Our methodology

The ECD-Index

For young children, ages 2 to 5, Swissocial has developed and copyrighted the Early Childhood Development Index (ECDI) methodology.

The indicators chosen cover the four elements of Swissocial’s matrix. The tests to measure the baseline and ex-post are adapted to the various significant milestones of children’s development.

Early Childhood Development Index (ECDI)

Exclusive use for children from 2 to 5 years

The ECDI uses 10 indicators, as follows:

ecdi swissocial

Why is it so specific?

More information about ECDI and how it works
To quantify each of the indicators, the ECDI uses a scale from 0 to 100. The scores received by the beneficiaries in each of the evaluations (baseline and ex-post) places them at a point on this scale.
The scales of the indicators are adapted to the ages of the beneficiaries. The scale runs from 0 to 100, in which “0” represents absolute lack, and “100” the perfect conditions/behavior.
By assessing beneficiaries before the initiation of the project (baseline) and at successive intervals (ex-post), changes in the 10 variables can be quantified, and thus the impact of the project on beneficiaries.
To be able to attribute these changes to the project, it is necessary to have a control group, i.e., a population with characteristics similar to those of the beneficiaries, but which has not participated in the project. The variations in the values of the 10 indicators between the beneficiary group and the control group measures the impact attributable to the project.
Data is collected through surveys, whereby tests are given to children and a questionnaire completed by parents and educators. Data is collected from a statistically representative sample of beneficiaries.